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한국과학기술원(KAIST) 물리학, 박사(1999)
W13, 402-5
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의사결정 신경과학 연구실
- 정재승 교수는 현재 뇌인지과학과 학과장이자 융합인재학부 학부장이다. 그는 인간의 의사결정을 복잡계 패러다임으로 탐구하는 뇌과학자이다.
- 주된 연구주제는 의사결정 신경과학, 정신질환의 컴퓨터 모델링, 뇌-로봇 인터페이스, 뇌기반 인공지능 등이다.
- 그는 인간의 의사결정을 연구하기 위해, 게임 이론과 행동경제학 패러다임에 기반한 행동 실험을 수행하고, 이때 EEG와 fMRI를 활용해 뇌활동을 측정하며 비선형동역학, 복잡성 네트워크 이론, 인공지능 기술을 활용해 분석한다.
- 그의 궁극적인 연구목표는 인간의 의사결정을 관장하는 근본적인 원리를 발견하고 정신질환 모델링, 뇌-로봇 인터페이스, 뇌기반 인공지능을 탐구하는 것이다.
- 그는 KAIST 물리학과에서 학부, 석사학위를 마치고 복잡계 물리학을 바탕으로 알츠하이머 대뇌모델링으로 박사학위를 받았다. 예일대 의대 소아정신과 연구원, 콜롬비아의대 소아정신과 조교수, KAIST 바이오및뇌공학과 교수를 거쳐, 2022년 뇌인지과학과를 설립하고 학과장으로 일하고 있다.
- 그는 한국계산뇌과학회 회장을 역임했으며, 다보스 포럼 ‘2009년 차세대 글로벌 리더’, ‘대한민국 근정포장’ 등을 수상한 바 있다.
Key Papers
- Neuroscience of Decision-making
- D Chung, YT Kim, J Jeong. Cognitive motivations of free riding and cooperation and impaired strategic decision making in schizophrenia during a public goods game. Schizophrenia bulletin 39 (1), 112-119 (2013)
- J Oh, JH Kwon, PS Yang, J Jeong. Auditory imagery modulates frequency-specific areas in the human auditory cortex. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 25 (2), 175-187 (2013)
- D Chung, K Yun, J Jeong. Decoding covert motivations of free riding and cooperation from multi-feature pattern analysis of EEG signals. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 10 (9), 1210-1218 (2015)
- J Jahng, JD Kralik, DU Hwang, J Jeong. Neural dynamics of two players when using nonverbal cues to gauge intentions to cooperate during the Prisoner's Dilemma Game. NeuroImage 157, 263-274 (2017)
- D Kim, J Jeong, SW Lee. Prefrontal solution to the bias-variance tradeoff during reinforcement learning. Cell Reports 37 (13), 110185 (2021)
- Complex brain dynamics on connectome
- K Jung, H Jang, JD Kralik, J Jeong. Bursts and heavy tails in temporal and sequential dynamics of foraging decisions. PLoS Computational Biology 10 (8), e1003759 (2014)
- H Jang, K Jung, J Jeong, SK Park, JD Kralik, J Jeong. Nucleus accumbens shell moderates preference bias during voluntary choice behavior. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 12 (9), 1428-1436 (2017)
- Y Sohn, MK Choi, YY Ahn, J Lee, J Jeong. Topological Cluster Analysis Reveals the Systemic Organization of the Caenorhabditis elegans Connectome. PLoS Computational biology 7 (5), e1001139 (2011)
- S Kim, H Kim, JD Kralik, J Jeong. Vulnerability-Based Critical Neurons, Synapses, and Pathways in the Caenorhabditis elegans Connectome. PLoS Computational biology 12 (8), e1005084 (2016)
- IH Choe, J Byun, KK Kim, S Park, I Kim, J Jeong, HS Shin. Mice in social conflict show rule-observance behavior enhancing long-term benefit. Nature Communications 8 (1), 1176 (2017)
- Jinhee Baek, Sukchan Lee, Taesup Cho, Seong-Wook Kim, Minsoo Kim, Yongwoo Yoon, Ko Keun Kim, Junweon Byun, Sang Jeong Kim, Jaeseung Jeong*, Hee-Sup Shin* Neural circuits underlying a psychotherapeutic regimen for fear disorders. Nature 566 (7744), 339-343 (2019)
- Computational psychiatry and neurology
- J Jeong, EEG dynamics in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (7), 1490-1505 (2001) (1,379 cited)
- J Jeong, DJ Kim, SY Kim, JH Chae, HJ Go, KS Kim. Effect of total sleep deprivation on the dimensional complexity of the waking EEG. Sleep 24 (2), 197-202 (2001)
- CFV Latchoumane, J Jeong. Quantification of brain macrostates using dynamical nonstationarity of physiological time series. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical engineering 58 (4), 1084-1093 (2009)
- CFV Latchoumane, IH Kim, H Sohn, J Jeong. Dynamical nonstationarity of resting EEGs in patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). IEEE Transactions on Biomedical engineering 60 (1), 159-163 (2012)
- Brain-Robot Interface
- Y Chae, J Jeong*, S Jo*, Toward brain-actuated humanoid robots: asynchronous direct control using an EEG-based BCI. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28 (5), 1131-1144 (2012)
- HH Kim, J Jeong. An electrocorticographic decoder for arm movement for brain?machine interface using an echo state network and Gaussian readout. Applied Soft Computing 117, 108393 (2022)
- SJ Jang, YJ Yang, S Ryun, JS Kim, CK Chung, J Jeong. Decoding trajectories of imagined hand movement using electrocorticograms for brain?machine interface. Journal of Neural Engineering 19 (5), 056011 (2022)