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Notice on Graduation Dissertation Evaluation for Prospective Graduates (M.S., Ph.D.) of Aug. 2025
  • Writer Admin
  • Created 2025.03.13
  • Hits 151

The graduation dissertation evaluations for prospective graduates (M.S. and Ph.D.) of August 2025 is announced as follows. Please plan and prepare your graduation accordingly.




Dissertation Evaluation for the M.S. Program




     Submission of Review Request: Submit the “Master’s Thesis Committee Members and Evaluation Schedule” [Attachment 4] to the department (in charge) by 5/16 (Friday) and register the thesis review information in the Graduation Management System.

     Portal → Academic System → Graduation Management System → Thesis Management → Register Thesis Information → Search for Your Name → Basic Thesis Information (completed by student) → Thesis Proposal (completed by student) → Appoint Review Committee Members (completed by student) → Thesis Review (completed by the Committee Chair and Department Representative).


     Thesis committee: (Rules on Degree Conferment Article 6) Thesis committees for master’s and professional master’s students shall consist of three members selected by the president among full-time faculty with expertise in relevant fields. If deemed necessary by the president, the committee may consist of more than three members or include one professional outside of the institution.

     Reservations for seminar rooms should be made directly through the intranet by students themselves.


     Submit dissertations for evaluation: Students must submit the thesis for review directly to the Thesis Review Committee (including the Committee Chair and Members) by 5/23 (Friday) via email by May. 23(Fri).


     Evaluation period: May. 26(Mon)~May. 30(Fri) The above period has been designated as the Department Thesis Evaluation Week.


     (Committee Chair) Submit Hard Copy of the Evaluation report to the BCS Office by June. 27(Fri)

     How to print <Evaluation Report>

Academic System → Graduation Management System → Thesis Management → Register Thesis Information → Search for the Student → Thesis Review → Download the <논문심사결과및논문심사총평양식> at the bottom, complete it, and upload the file, OR enter the text directly into the system and use the <텍스트입력 논문심사결과및심사총평출력> → Submit the completed documents with all committee members' signatures to the department by the Committee Chair.

     In Case a Handwritten Signature is Not Feasible: ① The Committee Chair must obtain an approval document for the use of a scanned signature from the review committee members. ② Alternatively, the Committee Chair may directly receive a PDF document prepared by the review committee members and submit it. (For detailed information, refer to the attached document [Attachment 9].)

     Request for the Dissertation Evaluation Fee [Attachment 5]: submit if one of the committee member is a professional from outside the institution (Submit the form to BCS Office).


      Submit printed dissertations: July. 3(Thur)~ July. 4(Fri).

     Printed dissertations: 2 hard bound copies and 2 soft bound copies. (Hard Bound : Only actual signatures, approved scanned signature copies, or physical seals are accepted for the two Hard Bound copies. Printed stamp copies are not permitted.)

     The dissertation title printed in the final copy must be same as the dissertation title on the Graduation System.

     Electronic dissertations Use Agreement: Submit the printed form after registering the electronic dissertation on the library website. → Library Service → Thesis Submission

     All printed dissertations will be openly accessible. However, if there is a special reason for them to be closed to the public, submit the form ‘Request for the Non-Disclosure of the Printed Dissertations’ [Attachment 6]. It should include the non-disclosure reason and period along with your printed dissertations. Submit the form to BCS Administration Office.

     For any inquiries on submitting the electronic dissertations, please contact the Academic Information Development Team T. 4491.



Dissertation Evaluation for the Ph.D. Program

0.     Overall Process for Thesis Review (Reference)


Doctoral Qualification Exam: Within 1 year and 6 months after admission (or within 1 year and 6 months from the point of recognition as a doctoral candidate for those in the integrated master's and doctoral program). The exam is held every January and July.

Proposal: Within 2 years after admission, for integrated master's and doctoral programs, within 2 years from the point of recognition as a doctoral candidate. The review date is determined individually for each student.

Defense : Conducted During the Announced Period of the Final Semester Before Graduation_ Within the department's designated thesis review period


1.     Proposal

     (As per Article 10, Clause 1 of the Guidelines on Management of Doctoral Programs) The process must be conducted within 2 years after admission (or within 2 years from the point of recognition as a doctoral candidate for integrated programs) and should be scheduled in consultation with the academic advisor. However, it must take place after the Qualification Exam (within 1 year and 6 months) and before the Final Defense (6 months).

     However, if the aforementioned period(For Integrated Master's and Doctoral Programs: After 6 semesters; For Doctoral Programs: After 4 semesters) has passed, students shall submit a statement explaining the cause of delay (Attached 8), including a supporting statement by the advisor every year to the head of department.


     Submit Request for Appointment of the Committee: Appoint a Thesis committee and submit Request for Appointment of the Committeeto the BCS office. (at least 15 days prior to the evaluation date)

     How to Print rhe <Request for Appointment of the Committee>

     Academic System → Graduation Management System → Thesis Management → Register Thesis Information → Search for Your Name → Register Basic Thesis Information (Student) → Enter Review Committee Appointment, Review Date, and Location (Student) → Print <심사위원 위촉요청서> at the Bottom.


     If any member of the evaluation committee is from outside of KAIST, please enter his or her institution, title, major field of study, year of acquisition of Ph.D. degree and email address in the remarks column after registering the examiners.

     Thesis committee : (Rules on Degree Conferment Article 6)  Thesis committees for doctoral students shall consist of five members selected by the president among full-time faculty with expertise in relevant fields. If deemed necessary by the president, the committee may consist of more than five members or include two outside professionals.

     The Thesis committee will be responsible for both the Proposal Review and the Final Defense.

     In the case of external committee members, the department will draft an official document for the 'Doctoral Thesis Review Committee' for each student based on the submitted request and issue an appointment letter.

     Even if there is change in committee members, the form must be submitted again.


     Submission of Academic Dissertation Plan (Dissertation for Review or Presentation Materials): Submit the academic dissertation plan (either the dissertation for review or presentation materials) to the review committee at least 7 days before the review meeting.

※ Submit PDF or hard copies directly to the committee members by the student.


    The proposal for the doctoral dissertation will be held.

      The reservation of the venue must be made directly by the student through the reservation system.(Committee Chair) Submit Hard Copy of the Evaluation report to the BCS Office by June. 27(Fri)


    (Committee Chair)  Submit hard copy <Final Report on the Oral Examination of Ph.D. Thesis Proposal>

      <Final Report on the Oral Examination of Ph.D. Thesis Proposal>

Academic System → Graduation Management System → Thesis Management → Register Thesis Information → Search for the Student → 논문계획서구두시험 → Download the <논문계획서 구두시험 양식> at the bottom, complete it, and upload the file, OR enter the text directly into the system and use the <텍스트입력 논문계획서 구두시험 출력> → Submit the completed documents with all committee members' signatures to the department by the Committee Chair.


     The chairman can fill out the form directly in the system, or the student can send the form to the chairman and, the chairman can submit it to the department as a pdf.

     According to Article 10 of the 'Guidelines on Management of Doctoral Programs', students who have not passed the proposal within two years of admission to the doctoral program (or within the same period from the point of recognition as doctoral students in integrated programs), Submit the 'Report on the delay of the evaluation' to the department


2.     Defense


    Documents for submission: Dissertation file for evaluation (PDF file) and the form “Request for the Evaluation of Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree“ to the BCS office.

     Submission period: Before 15 days prior to the evaluation date, but by April 30(Wed) at the latest, which is the submission deadline for the dissertations for evaluation.

     Submission process

-       Dissertation file for evaluation (PDF file): Submit it via email to the BCS Office (Seulgi Kim, and the staff will deliver it to the thesis committee members by the above submission period.

-       논문심사요청서: Academic System → Graduation Management System → Dissertation Management → Register Dissertation Information → Search for Your Name → Enter the details under "Request for Dissertation Review" → Print the <논문심사요청서> at the bottom and submit the printed copy to the department within the submission deadline.


-       After submission, the department will review student’s graduation requirements

     The dissertation evaluation schedules will be officially announced to BCS professors and students via email(online), one week prior to the evaluation.

-       In case of on-line evaluation, send a Zoom link to the committee member

-       Submit the CV, abstract of dissertation evaluation (personal information i.e. phone numbers should not be included)


     The Defense for the doctoral dissertation will be held.

     Evaluation period: May. 26(Mon)~May. 30(Fri) The above period has been designated as the Department Thesis Evaluation Week.

     Reservations for seminar rooms are made directly through the intranet by students themselves.


    Submit additional information(If Applicable)

      Co-author Contribution: Submit if applicable (chairman of committee submit to BCS office)

Portal Academic System Graduation System Thesis Management 6. Academic Journal Information

      Request for Dissertation Evaluation Fee[Attachement 5]: In the case of non-tenured faculty or external institution committee members, the student must submit the necessary documents to the department office.


    (Committee Chair)  Submit hard copy <심사결과보고서> and <심사요지> to the Department office: By 20(Fri) June (Committee chair must directly submit the materials to the department.)

      <결과보고서>(Prepared by the Review Committee Chair) and <심사요지>( Prepared by the 5 Committee Members)

      Academic System → Graduation Management System → Thesis Management → Register Thesis Information → Search for the Student → Download the <논문심사결과및논문심사총평양식><심사요지 양식> at the bottom, complete it, and upload the file, OR enter the text directly into the system and use the <텍스트입력 논문심사결과및논문심사총평 출력><텍스트입력 논문심사요지 출력> → Submit the completed documents with all committee members' signatures to the department by the Committee Chair.



      The chairman can fill out the form directly in the system, or the student can send the form to the chairman and, the chairman can submit it to the department as a pdf.

      In Case a Handwritten Signature is Not Feasible: ① The Committee Chair must obtain an approval document for the use of a scanned signature from the review committee members. ② Alternatively, the Committee Chair may directly receive a PDF document prepared by the review committee members and submit it. (For detailed information, refer to the attached document [Attachment 9].)

      Request for the Dissertation Evaluation Fee [Attachment 5]: submit if one of the committee member is a professional from outside the institution (Submit the form to BCS Office).

     Submit printed dissertations: June 26(Thur) ~ June 27(Fri)

      Printed dissertations: 2 hard bound copies and 2 soft bound copies. (Hard Bound : Only actual signatures, approved scanned signature copies, or physical seals are accepted for the two Hard Bound copies. Printed stamp copies are not permitted.)

      The dissertation title printed in the final copy must be same as the dissertation title on the Graduation System.

      Electronic dissertations Use Agreement: Submit the printed form after registering the electronic dissertation on the library website. → Library Service → Thesis Submission

      All printed dissertations will be openly accessible. However, if there is a special reason for them to be closed to the public, submit the form ‘Request for the Non-Disclosure of the Printed Dissertations’ [Attachment 6]. It should include the non-disclosure reason and period along with your printed dissertations. Submit the form to BCS Administration Office.

      For any inquiries on submitting the electronic dissertations, please contact the Academic Information Development Team T. 4491.


1. Schedules of the completion and submission of dissertation

2. Guidelines on the Completion and Submission of masters and doctoral dissertations

3. Dissertation Template (Hwp, MS-Word, Latex)

4. Master’s Thesis Committee Members and Evaluation Schedule

5. Request for the Dissertation Evaluation Fee

6. Request for the Non-Disclosure of the Printed Dissertations

7. Application for Issuing Certification of Expected Degree

8. statement explaining the cause of delay

9. Approval of Use of Signature Copy


Download :


*Note: In the event of misinterpretation arising, original text in Korean shall take precedence over the English translation.