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[Form revised] Instructions for the PhD Qualifying Examination of Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences
  • Writer Admin
  • Created 2024.06.27
  • Hits 544

1. Eligibility

        - Students enrolled in a PhD or MS-PhD integrated program, and who have not yet passed the qualifying examination
* Note) PhD students must take the qualifying exam within 1 year and half of admission(Integrated

course student: From the point of recognition of the Ph.D. program, Former student: From the

semester of the Department of Brain Cognitive Science, where the previous day belongs). If

you fail, you need to re-examine within 6 months.

2. Document screening and interview




Document screening

(100 points)

(1)   Academic grades


PhD academic transcript

(2)   Plans for Ph.D Dissertation


Plans for Ph.D Dissertation


(100 points)

3) Presentation of research plan and achievements


20 minutes per person (10 minutes of presentation, 10 minutes of Q&A)





3. Exam schedule




Notice of qualifying exam

June 27, 2024

Department website and e-mail

Application period

July 1~ 19, 2024

Department office/forms available via e-mail and website

Document screening and interview

July 24, 2024


Announcement of finalists

2024. August 1st week

Department bulletin board/department website/e-mail


4. Required documents

     [attached1] One copy of qualifying exam application form (form provided).

     [attached2] One copy of plans for Ph.D Dissertation (form provided).

       One copy of PhD academic transcript.

5. Note

          -  PhD students of the Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences must take the qualifying exam within 1 year of admission (for

             integrated programs, from the point of recognition as PhD student), and those who do not comply shall be deemed as

             having failed the exam. The PhD qualifyin gexam is scheduled to be held in January and July each year.

          -  Those who fail the exam must reapply within 6 months. PhD students must pass the exam within 1 year and 6 months

             after admission (applicable to those admitted in 2009 and onwards; for those admitted in 2008 or earlier, 3 years) or face

             expulsion. Leave of absence periods, up to 2 years, will not be counted. For extended leaves of absence such as military

             service, take the necessary measures in advance to prevent disadvantages.)

                 -    In the case of changing majors, regardless of whether students have passed the qualification exam of the previous

            department, the qualification exam of the new major must be taken within 1 year and 6 months from the semester of the

            major change.