Adjunct Professor

- Brain Science
- Neuroscience
Ph.D., Psychobiology, University of California, Irvine (1990)
406, E6-6
- Phone
Systems Neuroscience Lab
- Min Whan Jung is a professor of the Department of Biological Sciences, and also affiliated with the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering. He received his Ph.D. degree in Psychobiology from the University of California, Irvine under the supervision of Gary Lynch in 1990, worked as a postdoc in Bruce Mcnaughton’s laboratoy at the University of Arizona until 1995, and then served as a professor at Ajou University School of Medicine before joining KAIST in 2013.
- His lab studies functional microcircuits of the frontal cortex underlying adaptive control of behavior and hippocampal neural processes underlying memory and imagination. Also, as a vice director or the Center for Synaptic Brain Dysfunction, IBS, he investigates the neural basis of autism spectrum disorders.
Key Papers
- Bae JW, Jeong H, Yoon YJ, Bae CM, Lee H, Paik SB, Jung MW. Parallel processing of working memory and temporal information by distinct types of cortical projection neurons. Nat Commun. 2021 Jul 16;12(1
- BS450 Neuroscience II
- BS543 Advanced Neurobiology