Adjunct Professor

- Mathematical modeling
- Circadian rhythms
- Sleep
- Biochemical reacion networks
Ph.D. in Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics University of Michig an (2013)
4208, E2-2
- Phone
Biomedical Mathematics Lab
- After graduating from the Department of Mathematics Education at Seoul National University, he received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Michigan, USA. Then he was a postdoctoral researcher at Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University. In 2015, he joined the Department of Mathematical Sciences as a faculty member.
- Although he is a mathematician, he has solved various biomedical problems in particular, circadian rhythm and sleep-related problems in collaboration pharmaceutical/life science laboratories. This leaded to the publications Science, Molecular Cell, Nature Communication, Nature Chemical Biology, Current Biology, and PNAS.
- He is the recient of Korean Mathematical Society Sangsan Young Mathematicians Award (2015), 30 Young Scientists in Korea (2016), Korean Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Young Researcher Award (2017), Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Award (2017), J. Shelton Horsley Research Award ( 2019) and Choi Seok Jeong Award of the Year (2021). Currently, he launched the IBS Biomedical Mathematics Group where researchers in various fields from mathematics to medicine to solve biomathematics puzzles.
Key Papers
- Rhythmic transcription of Bmal1 stabilizes the circadian timekeeping system in mammals, Nature Communications (2022)
- Systematic inference identifies a major source of heterogeneity in cell signaling d
- MAS 480 Introduction to Mathematical Biology
- MAS 443 Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical system
- MAS 560 Methods of Applied Mathematics