Staci Jakyong Kim
- Sleep homeostasis
- Sleep architecture
- Neuroplasticity
- Metabolic disorder
- Multiomics
Ph.D. in Human Biology, University of Tsukuba(2019)
W13, 502-3
- Phone
Sleep genetics lab (SKIM Lab)
- Dr. Staci J. Kim is an assistant professor specializing in neuroscience and sleep research at KAIST.
- With a background in neuroscience from the College of William and Mary, USA, she pursued her Ph.D. at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, in the behavioral genetics unit within the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (IIIS) under Prof. Masashi Yanagisawa's mentorship. During her doctoral studies, Dr. Kim identified key gene loci involved in sleep regulation and further explored the molecular mechanisms underlying sleep regulation as a postdoctoral researcher at the same institute, uncovering key signaling pathways governing sleep quantity and quality.
- At KAIST, Dr. Kim leads a dynamic research laboratory dedicated to unraveling the intricate relationship between genetics, neuroplasticity, and sleep behavior. Her research interests include investigating how changes in gene expression impact sleep-wake patterns and cognitive function, with a focus on molecular mechanisms underlying sleep regulation.
- Using advanced imaging techniques and behavioral analyses, Dr. Kim aims to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the onset and maintenance of sleep. Her current research focuses on identifying molecular switches facilitating the transition from wakefulness to sleep using animal models of sleep disorders. Furthermore, Dr. Kim aims to translate these findings into innovative diagnostic tools and personalized therapeutic interventions for sleep disorders and associated conditions.
Key Papers
- S. J. Kim*, N. Hotta-Hirashima*, F. Asano*, T. Kitazono*, K. Iwasaki*, S. Nakata*, H. Komiya*, N. Asama*, et. al., M. Yanagisawa, H. Funato. Kinase signalling in excitatory neurons regulates sleep quantity and depth. Nature 612, 512-518 (2022). (*equal contribution)
- C. Miyoshi*, S. J. Kim*, T. Ezaki, A. Ikkyu, N. Hotta-Hirashima, S. Kanno, M. Kakizaki, M. Yamada, S. Wakana, M. Yanagisawa, H. Funato. Methodology and theoretical basis of forward genetic screening for sleep/wakefulness in mice. PNAS 116:32. (*equal contribution)