Jaeseung Jeong
- Decision neuroscience
- Nonlinear brain dynamics
- Brain-robot interface
- Brain-inspired artificial intelligence
- Computational psychiatry
- Theoretical and computational neuroscience
- Complex network analysis of connectome
Ph.D. in Department of Physics, KAIST(1999)
W13, 402-5
- Phone
Decision brain dynamics lab
- Professor Jaeseung Jeong is currently a professor (and founding chair) at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and the Head of the School of Transdisciplinary Studies in KAIST (Daejeon, South Korea).
- He is a computational and experimental neuroscientist who studies human decision-making. He conducts behavioral experiments based on game theory and behavioral economics paradigms, measures brain activities using the EEG and fMRI, and analyzes them utilizing nonlinear dynamics, complex network theory, and machine learning techniques.
- His ultimate research goal is to discover the fundamental principles of human decision-making and apply them to clinical and engineering fields such as computational psychiatry, brain-robot interface, and brain-inspired artificial intelligence.
- He received his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in physics from the Department of Physics, KAIST (computational network modeling and complex dynamics analysis of Alzheimer's brain, 1999) and worked as a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Child Psychiatry at Yale University (New Haven, USA, 1999-2001) and an assistant professor in the Department of Child Psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (New York, USA, 2004-2008, joint appointment with KAIST).
- He has worked as an assistant, associate, and full professor at the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering in KAIST (2004 - 2022). In the mean time, he has served as the head of MoonSoul Graduate School of Future Strategy (2016-2020). In 2020, he has established the School of Transdisciplinary Studies and has currently served as its head.
- In 2022, he has established the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and currently served as its founding chair.
- He has published more than 100 articles in prestigious scientific journals such as Nature, Nature Communications, and PLoS Computational Biology. In addition, he has presented as a keynote speaker at more than 100 domestic and international conferences and received numerous academic awards.
- He is the president of Korean Society for Computational Neuroscience. He was selected as one of "Young Global Leaders" from the World Economic Forum (a.k.a. Davos Forum) in 2009. He has received the Korea Science and Culture Award in 2011 and the Republic of Korea Order of Merit in 2019.
Key Papers
- Neuroscience of Decision-making
- D Chung, YT Kim, J Jeong. Cognitive motivations of free riding and cooperation and impaired strategic decision making in schizophrenia during a public goods game. Schizophrenia bulletin 39 (1), 112-119 (2013)
- J Oh, JH Kwon, PS Yang, J Jeong. Auditory imagery modulates frequency-specific areas in the human auditory cortex. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 25 (2), 175-187 (2013)
- D Chung, K Yun, J Jeong. Decoding covert motivations of free riding and cooperation from multi-feature pattern analysis of EEG signals. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 10 (9), 1210-1218 (2015)
- J Jahng, JD Kralik, DU Hwang, J Jeong. Neural dynamics of two players when using nonverbal cues to gauge intentions to cooperate during the Prisoner's Dilemma Game. NeuroImage 157, 263-274 (2017)
- D Kim, J Jeong, SW Lee. Prefrontal solution to the bias-variance tradeoff during reinforcement learning. Cell Reports 37 (13), 110185 (2021)
- Complex brain dynamics on connectome
- K Jung, H Jang, JD Kralik, J Jeong. Bursts and heavy tails in temporal and sequential dynamics of foraging decisions. PLoS Computational Biology 10 (8), e1003759 (2014)
- H Jang, K Jung, J Jeong, SK Park, JD Kralik, J Jeong. Nucleus accumbens shell moderates preference bias during voluntary choice behavior. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 12 (9), 1428-1436 (2017)
- Y Sohn, MK Choi, YY Ahn, J Lee, J Jeong. Topological Cluster Analysis Reveals the Systemic Organization of the Caenorhabditis elegans Connectome. PLoS Computational biology 7 (5), e1001139 (2011)
- S Kim, H Kim, JD Kralik, J Jeong. Vulnerability-Based Critical Neurons, Synapses, and Pathways in the Caenorhabditis elegans Connectome. PLoS Computational biology 12 (8), e1005084 (2016)
- IH Choe, J Byun, KK Kim, S Park, I Kim, J Jeong, HS Shin. Mice in social conflict show rule-observance behavior enhancing long-term benefit. Nature Communications 8 (1), 1176 (2017)
- Jinhee Baek, Sukchan Lee, Taesup Cho, Seong-Wook Kim, Minsoo Kim, Yongwoo Yoon, Ko Keun Kim, Junweon Byun, Sang Jeong Kim, Jaeseung Jeong*, Hee-Sup Shin* Neural circuits underlying a psychotherapeutic regimen for fear disorders. Nature 566 (7744), 339-343 (2019)
- Computational psychiatry and neurology
- J Jeong, EEG dynamics in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Clinical Neurophysiology 115 (7), 1490-1505 (2001) (1,379 cited)
- J Jeong, DJ Kim, SY Kim, JH Chae, HJ Go, KS Kim. Effect of total sleep deprivation on the dimensional complexity of the waking EEG. Sleep 24 (2), 197-202 (2001)
- CFV Latchoumane, J Jeong. Quantification of brain macrostates using dynamical nonstationarity of physiological time series. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical engineering 58 (4), 1084-1093 (2009)
- CFV Latchoumane, IH Kim, H Sohn, J Jeong. Dynamical nonstationarity of resting EEGs in patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). IEEE Transactions on Biomedical engineering 60 (1), 159-163 (2012)
- Brain-Robot Interface
- Y Chae, J Jeong*, S Jo*, Toward brain-actuated humanoid robots: asynchronous direct control using an EEG-based BCI. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28 (5), 1131-1144 (2012)
- HH Kim, J Jeong. An electrocorticographic decoder for arm movement for brain?machine interface using an echo state network and Gaussian readout. Applied Soft Computing 117, 108393 (2022)
- SJ Jang, YJ Yang, S Ryun, JS Kim, CK Chung, J Jeong. Decoding trajectories of imagined hand movement using electrocorticograms for brain?machine interface. Journal of Neural Engineering 19 (5), 056011 (2022)