
Se-Bum Paik
- Cognitive Intelligence
- Natural Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computational Neuroscience
- System Neuroscience
- Artificial Neural Network
- Computational Model Simulation
- Visual Perception
- Psychophysics
Ph.D. in Physics, University of California, Berkeley (2009)
E22, A202-2
- Phone
Cognitive Intelligence Laboratory (Paik Lab.)
- Dr. Se-Bum Paik is a computational neuroscientist studying cognitive functions in the brain. He is an associate professor with tenure in the department of brain and cognitive sciences at KAIST.
- After receiving his B.S and M.S. from Seoul National University, Dr. Paik obtained his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of California at Berkeley where he worked with Prof. Donald A. Glaser. After graduating, he joined the laboratory of Prof. Dario L. Ringach in the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles as a postdoctoral researcher.
- Dr. Paik joined the KAIST faculty in 2013 and heads the Cognitive Intelligence Laboratory. He was awarded tenure in 2021 and was endowed with the KAIST singularity professorship (2021-2031).
- Dr. Paik’s research addresses the origin and development of cognitive intelligence in both biological and artificial neural networks using tools from theoretical neuroscience, computational simulations, experimental psychophysics, and artificial intelligence. His research has focused on finding mechanisms that explain how the functional architecture of the sensory system is initially created to generate the building blocks of cognitive functions. He is interested in the biological strategy of the brain to implement efficient cognitive functions, which may lead to a better understanding of the working mechanisms of the brain, as well as the implementation of new artificial network models utilizing biological mechanisms.
- Dr. Paik is the recipient of the POSCO Cheong-Am science fellowship (2013). He served as the research planner of the national research foundation and as an advisory board member of the deep learning community of nVIDIA Korea and the artificial intelligence institute of SNU. Currently, he is on the board of directors of the Society for Computational Neuroscience and the Brain Engineering Society of Korea, and is on the editorial board of Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, and Frontiers in Neuroscience journals.
Key Papers
- Baek S, Song M, Jang J, Kim G & Paik SB, Face detection in untrained deep neural networks, Nature Communications 12, 7328 (2021) [Top 25 Life and Biological Sciences Article in 2021]
- Kim G, Jang J, Baek S, Song M & Paik SB, Visual number sense in untrained deep neural networks, Science Advances 7(1), eabd6127 (2021)
- Song M, Jang J, Kim G & Paik SB, Projection of orthogonal tiling from the retina to the visual cortex, Cell Reports 34(1), 108581 (2021)
- Song JH, Choi W, Song YH, Kim JH, Jeong D, Lee SH & Paik SB, Precise mapping of single neurons by calibrated 3D reconstruction of brain slices reveals topographic projection in mouse visual cortex, Cell Reports 31(8), 107682 (2020)
- Jang J, Song M & Paik SB, Retino-cortical mapping ratio predicts columnar and salt-and-pepper organization in mammalian visual cortex, Cell Reports 30(10), 3270-3279 (2020)
- Kim J, Song M, Jang J & Paik SB, Spontaneous retinal waves can generate long-range horizontal connectivity in visual cortex (Cover article, Featured), Journal of Neuroscience 40(34), 6584-6599 (2020)
- Liu D, Li W, Ma C, Zheng W, Yao Y, Tso CF, Zhong P, Chen X, Song JH, Choi W, Paik SB, Han H & Dan Y, A common hub for sleep and motor control in the substantia nigra, Science 367(6476), 440-445 (2020)
- Theoretical Neuroscience
- Neural Computation
- Vision: Neural Mechanisms and Cognition
- Computational Cognitive Science