
Soo Hyun Park
- visual system
- dynamic vision
- natural vision
- primate brain
- visual interaction
- social vision
- ethological paradigm
Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Seoul National University (2013)
W13, 502-8
- Phone
Visual Neurodynamics Lab
- Dr. Soo Hyun Park is a systems neuroscientist studying how our visual brain enables us to thrive in this dynamic world. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at KAIST since August 2023.
- Dr. Park first became interested in visual neuroscience as an undergraduate at Seoul National University in South Korea, where she received her BA in psychology and Ph.D. in neuroscience. During her Ph.D. with Dr. Sang-Hun Lee, she studied contextual modulation in low-level vision using a combined methods of psychophysics and fMRI in humans. To map brain function at finer levels of spatial and temporal detail, she conducted her postdoctoral research with Dr. David Leopold (NIMH, NIH), studying visual cortex in macaques and marmoset monkeys under naturalistic visual stimulation.
- The Visual Neurodynamics Lab investigates how we use our vision to understand others by interrogating the circuits underlying the visual processing of others' behaviors. To achieve the circuit-level understanding behind action perception, we analyze animal behavior using computer vision and measure the neuronal activity using electrophysiology and calcium imaging.
Key Papers
- Park, S. H.*, Koyano, K. W., Russ, B. E., Waidmann, E. N., McMahon, D. B. T., & Leopold, D. A.* (2022). Parallel functional subnetworks embedded in the macaque face patch system. Sci Adv, 8(10), eabm2054. (*co-corresponding)
- Leopold, D. A., & Park, S. H. (2020). Studying the visual brain in its natural rhythm. Neuroimage, 216, 116790.
- Park, S. H.*, Russ, B. E., McMahon, D. B. T., Koyano, K. W., Berman, R. A., & Leopold, D. A.* (2017). Functional Subpopulations of Neurons in a Macaque Face Patch Revealed by Single-Unit fMRI Mapping. Neuron, 95(4), 971-981 e975. (*co-corresponding)
- Park, S. H.*, Cha, K.*, & Lee, S. H. (2013). Coaxial anisotropy of cortical point spread in human visual areas. J Neurosci, 33(3), 1143-1156a. (*co-first)
- Psychological and Behavioral Science
- Sensory and Motor Systems
- Vision: neural mechanisms and cognition