
Jeong-tae Kwon
- Neurobiology of social behavior
- Neuromodulator
- Systems neurosicence
- Affective neuroscience
Ph.D in Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST(2015)
W13, 502-10
- Phone
Laboratory of emotions and sociality
- Jeong-tae Kwon is a systems neuroscientist who studies the neural principles of emotion and social behavior. He is currently an assistant professor of Department of Brain and Cognitive Science at KAIST.
- He majored in psychology and sociology at Korea University and earned a doctorate in neuroscience from KAIST's Department of Biological Sciences. Through experiments in which memories are artificially formed, deleted, and transformed using brain nerve stimulation during the degree process, the principle of forming and storing emotional memories was studied.
- Afterwards, he conducted research with Dr. Gloria Choi while receiving postdoctoral researcher training at the Picower Institute at MIT in the United States. In the process, new neural circuits that control animal social behavior were discovered and a new neuromodulator that function in the area were discovered.
- Prof. Kwon started a laboratory at KAIST in 2023. The laboratory pursues to analyze and interpret the mechanisms of emotions and sociality through a neuroscience approach. It aims to identify neural networks that control diverse social behaviors from instinctive social behavior such as mating, aggression, and parental behavior to complex group social behaviors. In particular, the lab focuses on the mechanism of chemical signaling of nerve cells operating in the neural network. Through these studies, the goal is to improve our understanding for pathology of emotional disorders, including social anxiety and depression, and develop treatments for them.
Key Papers
- Jeong-Tae Kwon, Changhyeon Ryu, Hyeseung Lee, Alec Sheffield, Jingxuan Fan, Daniel H. Cho, Shivani Bigler, Heather A. Sullivan, Han Kyung Choe, Ian R. Wickersham, Myriam Heiman, Gloria B. Choi (2021) An amygdala circuit that suppresses social engagement, Nature 593, 114–118.
- Jeong-Tae Kwon, Ryuichi Nakajima, Hyung-Su Kim, Yire Jeong, George J. Augustine, Jin-Hee Han (2014) Optogenetic activation of presynaptic inputs in lateral amygdala forms associative fear memory, Learning and Memory21: 627-633
- Jieun Kim*, Jeong-Tae Kwon*, Hyung-Su Kim, Sheena Josselyn, Jin-Hee Han, (2013) Memory recall and modifications by activating neurons with elevated CREB, Nature neuroscience, 17(1):65-72.(*equal contribution)
- Jeong-Tae Kwon, Jinho Jhang, Hyung-Su Kim, Sujin Lee, and Jin-Hee Han (2012) Brain region-specific activity patterns after recent or remote memory retrieval of auditory conditioned fear, Learning and Memory, 19: 487-494.
- Jeong-Tae Kwon and June-Seek Choi (2009) Cornering the Fear Engram: Long-Term Synaptic Changes inthe Lateral Nucleus of the Amygdala Following Fear Conditioning, Journalof Neuroscience, 29: 9700 – 9703.
- Molecular and cellular neurobiology
- Systems neuroscience
- Neuroscience of social behavior